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Research Assistant in the Department of Economics Full-time Job

hace 7 meses Marketing & Communication Barcelona
Trabajo detalles

Understanding the role of incentives in healthcare. Main tasks:

  • Econometrics and data Analysis (preferably using STATA)
  • Panel data
  • Literature Review

The project might result in different research papers with variations on the topic


  • BS / BA degree or Master’s degree in Economics.
  • The position is also ideal for recent computer science or math graduate, interested in Data Science.
  • Econometrics and data Analysis or related
  • Work-permit in Spain
  • Strong interest in Economics, and in health economics, Statistical Analysis
  • Solid knowledge of STATA and basic Economics and panel data analysis

Software: STATA; We´ll positively value Python programming



Full-time position.

1.830 euros / months before tax.

Work-Contract and Social Security.

Start date


End date

1 year with the possibility of extending.


Interested parties please send CV, academic transcript and a cover letter in English to:

Ingrid Vergés

Research Division

IESE Business School

Phone Number: 93 253 42 00
