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Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) 100% Full-time Job

vor 3 Wochen Public Service Erlangen

Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst u. a.:

The Alexander von Humboldt Chair in Human Rights Law at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law at Friedrich Alexander University (FAU) is committed to fostering academically rigorous, theoretically well-grounded, practice-orientated, critical, and interdisciplinary research on human rights, with a focus on societies and systems undergoing autocratisation. Further information can be found at https://www.mr1.rw.fau.de/.

Our work is closely connected to that of the FAU Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN, https://www.humanrights.fau.de/).
With a view to further strengthening and expanding its human rights-related research and teaching, we are looking to appoint up to two full-time pre-/postdoctoral researchers, at a pay grade defined as TV-L E 13 within the Bavarian public service pay grade system and for a period of appointment of three years. For a rough indication of pay grade ranges, you ay want to consult

https://www.academics.de/ratgeber/gehalt-oeffentlicher-dienst. FAU cannot guarantee the accuracy of this external information service.
The earliest envisaged start date for this position is 1 February 2025.

This is an excellent opportunity for a committed and enthusiastic academic to join the Chair as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Human Rights, playing a full part in the academic life of the Chair, as well as the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) and benefiting from active support for and promotion of their further academic career development.

The successful candidate must have completed a PhD or be very close to completion of their doctoral degree in any area of human rights studies, broadly conceived. Candidates should be able to demonstrate excellent research potential and will be expected to develop and implement a realistic and achievable research plan, as well as contribute to the Chair’s and CHREN’s research and outreach activities and grant acquisition. Candidates must also be committed to promoting the student experience by contributing to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and assessment in Human Rights.

Notwendige Qualifikation:

Qualifications: Candidates must possess the following qualifications: •
Doctorate in law, the humanities, or social sciences
• An excellent master’s degree in a relevant field of study may be considered.
Candidates should have the following further skills and abilities: • Ability to develop and implement a research plan in the area(s) of expertise, including through high-quality publications;
• Experience in delivering excellent research-led teaching and learning, including design and delivery of course materials and assessment of student performance; ability to supervise undergraduate and postgraduate student dissertations and to develop expertise in the joint supervision of PhD students; •
Ability to work constructively as part of a collegial team;
• Excellent communication skills and an ability to engage students; •
Languages: Candidates must be able to use English as a working language in teaching and research. Proficiency in German is desirable but not required; non-German speakers will be encouraged to learn German during their tenure at FAU.

Wünschenswerte Qualifikation:

Responsibilities: Our new colleagues will be responsible for the following tasks
• Design and implementation of their own research project in the field of human rights, preferably related to at least one of the Chair’s focal research areas; •
Willingness to develop research grant applications within the Chair and participation in the submission of research funding grant applications as well as in the Chair’s broader research activities (events, outreach, etc.)
• Depending on teaching needs, a contribution to teaching at a level of up to 4 hours per week during teaching terms in the relevant teaching areas (for instance, law and/or political science), taking prior qualifications into account
• We will actively support and promote the further academic qualification of the postdoctoral researchers.


Please submit the following documents as pdf files by email attachment to Eva Pils. The application deadline is 21th of November.
• Cover letter, •
Curriculum Vitae (2 pages)
• Copies of your main academic degree certificates
• List of publications •
Two samples of pending or published research (which might include articles, book chapters or chapters of a thesis).
• An exposé (maximum 10 pages) of one or more academic projects that you would like to realize as part of your employment, FAU strives to be a diverse and inclusive community. We particularly welcome applications from candidates (f/m/d) belonging to groups that have been traditionally under-represented.
If you have any questions about the position or application process, please contact Prof. Dr. Eva Pils.


  • Beabsichtigte Eingruppierung je nach Qualifikation und persönlichen Voraussetzungen:
    Entgelt-/Bes.Gr.: TVL 13
  • Zeitliche Befristung: 5 Jahre
  • Es handelt sich um eine Vollzeitstelle.
  • Sonstiges:
  • Voraussichtlicher Einstellungstermin: 01.02.2024.

Die Bewerbungsfrist endet zum: 21.11.2024.

Für Auskünfte steht Ihnen zur Verfügung:

Prof. Dr. Pils, Eva
Institut für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Öffentliches Recht
Lehrstuhl für Human Rights Law
Telefon 09131/85-22966, E-Mail: eva.m.pils@fau.de

Die Bewerbungen sind zu richten an:

Prof. Dr. Pils, Eva
Institut für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Öffentliches Recht
Lehrstuhl für Human Rights Law
Schillerstraße 1
91054 Erlangen

Hinweise für Bewerber/-innen
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  • Ihren Lebenslauf

  • Sämtliche Schulabschluß-, Ausbildungs- und Arbeitszeugnisse

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Alle Hinweise beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Das Stellenangebot mit den entsprechenden Hinweisen zur Bewerbung beim Universitätsklinikum Erlangen finden Sie unter http://www.uk-erlangen.de/karriere/