40 Gefundene Jobs

Aptiv plc

Technical Lead - Global End User Services

vor 3 Monaten Schaffhausen - 49,32km Full-time
Imagine a world with zero road fatalities, zero injuries and zero accident And we need you to help us shape it. Join the APTIV team and become an entrepreneur at a 100-year-old sta...
Holy Fashion Group

Exportsachbearbeiter (d/m/w)

vor 3 Monaten Kreuzlingen - 19,41km Full-time
Become fan of your job. Yes it is EXCITING - to work with us. We are people with Emotion and passion who strive for eXcellent results, driven by suCcess and Independent thinking, i...

Lehre als Kauffrau/Kaufmann EFZ oder Lehre als Kauffrau/Kaufmann mit i...

vor 3 Monaten Dübendorf - 45,64km Full-time
Die Eawag ist das international vernetzte Wasserforschungsinstitut des ETH-Bereichs (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschulen Schweiz). Sie betreibt Forschung, engagiert sich in der A...

R&D intern in the field of particulate matter sensors

vor 4 Monaten Stäfa - 39,63km Full-time
Area of activity Research & development Position Interns Location Stäfa, Switzerland Calculate route Job notifications Receive notifications for similar positions. Incorrect email...

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