SQL Error
Code error: 42000.
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1226 User 'pjq5c4qa_azedd1' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1) (SQL: SELECT cat.id, SUM(total) as total
FROM ((SELECT c.id as id, count(*) as total
FROM vprposts as a
INNER JOIN vprcategories as c ON c.id=a.category_id AND c.active=1
WHERE a.country_code = :countryCode AND (a.verified_email=1 AND a.verified_phone=1) AND a.archived!=1 AND a.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY c.id) UNION ALL (SELECT c.id as id, count(*) as total
FROM vprposts as a
INNER JOIN vprcategories as sc ON sc.id=a.category_id AND sc.active=1
INNER JOIN vprcategories as c ON c.id=sc.parent_id AND c.active=1
WHERE a.country_code = :countryCode AND (a.verified_email=1 AND a.verified_phone=1) AND a.archived!=1 AND a.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY c.id)) cat
GROUP BY cat.id)